Sunday, 26 May 2013

Chocolate Tiffin

This recipe is a personal favourite of ours and it is over-the-top chocolate-y and super easy to make. We call it 'chocolate tiffin' to make it sound somewhat fancy but really it's just 4 ingredients squished together to form one big delicious mess. 

It involves barely any cooking which is a huge plus for certain family members - Samara (last time I tried to use the oven I set fire to the oven gloves). 
Most people would probably want to add in some extra flavours such as raisins, marshmallows or something of the nut variety- but we like to keep it sweet, simple and chocolate-y to the extreme! (Also, we call raisins, 'satan berries' in our household so they are not welcome in the chocolate tiffin) 

Begin by breaking up 300g or so of dark chocolate and putting it in a heat proof bowl. We've tried this recipe with all sorts of chocolate varieties but we think dark chocolate gives it a much richer taste than milk chocolate- any brand will do.

Add in 100g of butter and 3tbsp of golden syrup into the bowl.

Golden syrup and chocolate- winning combo.

Melt this mixture over a pot of boiling water and stir it until it becomes liquid and looks like this...

In a colander placed over a plate, smoosh up 230g of digestive biscuits into little pieces. The colander is super useful as it gets rid of all the annoying little dust-like crumbs. We found using the end of a rolling pin is a very effective method to break up the pieces. 

Combine the smooshed digestives with the melted chocolate and mix it all up. Feel free to do a few taste tests- just to check it's all okay!

Pour the mixture into some kind of shallow tin lined with greaseproof paper, in order to avoid the gruelling clean up!

Pop it in the fridge for about 2 hours (or as long as you can bear to wait), until it's solid. Then take it out and cut it into reasonable (ish) sized portions. This time we made ours smaller in an attempt to make it last past today- so far half of it is gone so it's not going too well..

Finished! We promise you, any chocolate fan out there will love it- it is unbelievably good. Let us know if you experiment with any successful added flavours! We love the original so much we're yet to stray from it.. 
We're off to go eat a few more pieces before dinner now. 
Samara and Anna xx

1 comment:

  1. Ah I used to love this as a kid... will definitely have to make some soon!
